Data Analysis (PH)
Task under Dept. of Public Health, CHEARS Analyze the data by any analytical tools ( like excel , SPSS, python etc. ) Interprete all the possible interpretition which can be derived from the given dataset.
Poster Design
Task under Dept. of Public Relations, CHEARS. Design 3 posters related to any innovative ideas / inspirational stories / your life incidences / current affairs and many more....
Mangement - Study
Task under Dept. of Public Health, CHEARS Select any one topic from the topics given below. Create protocol / survey questionnaire and conduct the study / review the articles.
Prediction Model
Task under Dept. of Information Technology, CHEARS Create model Linear/Logistic/Decision Tree whatever you feel is best for the dataset given to you.
Case Analysis
Task under Dept. of Public Health, CHEARS Analyze the case. Prepare the PowerPoint presentation for your case analysis.
Community - Survey
Task under Dept. of Public Health, CHEARS Select any topic relevant to healthcare. Create protocol and survey questionnaire.
Task under Dept. of Public Health, CHEARS Select any topic relevant to healthcare. Collect minimum of 20 articles for review. Complete the review and prepare the PowerPoint presentation for your findings.
Marketing Plan
Task under Dept. of Public Relations, CHEARS Please follow the instructions given below. Prepare the PowerPoint presentation of your plan. Record the video of your presentation with yourself explaining the steps.
Computer Vision
Task under Dept. of Information Technology, CHEARS Implement an object detector which identifies the Human / Person in an image or video. You can use the predefined weights.
Social Media Integration
Task under Dept. of Information Technology, CHEARS Create a mobile app, where user can login through at least two social media from such as Facebook and Google. After login, display all the details (e.g. Name, profile photo, email, etc.) on the second page.
Patient information Leaflet
Task under Dept. of Public Health, CHEARS Select any disease or disorder for Patient information Leaflet (PIL) . Prepare the PIL.
Data Analysis (IT)
Task under Dept. of Information Technology, CHEARS Analyze the data by any analytical tools / language / IDE
Web Application
Task under Dept. of Information Technology, CHEARS You need to Create a simple dynamic website which has the following specs. Start with creating a database for upto 10 customers.
Payment Gateway
Task under Dept. of Information Technology, CHEARS Create a simple website where payment gateway is integrated.